Danube Bike Trail 1
Part 1: German Danube, Donaueschingen to Passau
Kategorie: Radtourenbücher
Sprache: Englisch
Maßstab: 1:50.000
Umfang: 160 Seiten
Auflage: 4. Auflage, 2019
ISBN: 978-3-85000-786-3
Preis: EUR 15,90
Land: Deutschland
Region: Bayern,Baden-Württemberg
Produktcode: DRW1_E
Format: 220x120 mm
Bindung: Spiralbindung
Sonstiges: Übernachtungsverzeichnis, Höhenprofile
Lieferinfo: lieferbar, erschienen 06/2019
Gesamtlänge: 600 km
Anzahl der Karten: 59
Anzahl der Ortspläne: 11
From its headwaters in the Black Forest of southwestern Germany, the Danube flows through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe. Pristine flood-plains, picturesque villages and small towns, and a wealth of cultural landmarks line the river as it begins its long march to the distant Black Sea. These tranquil valleys are also ideal for cycling. In recent years, many of the paths and lanes along the river have been paved specifically for bicycle tourists. As a result, almost the entire route follows smooth quiet roads that make it ideal for families with children.
4. Auflage, 2019
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